27th December 2022. The Office
of Academic Resources and Information
Technology by Assistant Professor
Dr. Sirilak
Ketchaya, Director, Ajarn Dr. Pimploi
Tirastitam, Deputy Director of the
Academic Resource Center, along with Ajarn
Aphirak Thitinrumit, Deputy Director of
the Information Technology Center, and
staff welcomed the Monitoring Audit and
Evaluation Committee led by Mr. Pornpimol
Rattanapitak, Chairman of the Board of
Directors, Acting Second Lieutenant
Winai Chakrayanuyok, and Mr. Yuttana
Phetphosri, to monitor the progress of
the Bureau's operation and
implementation on the topics of
information systems to support the
digital university, information systems
for teaching and learning, organizational
management, the development of the
Academic Resources and Technology Center
according to the transformational
policy, and to answer questions,
problems, obstacles, problems, problems,
weaknesses, strengths, weaknesses, and
the future of the Bureau at the conference
room of the Office of Academic Resources
and Information Technology.