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What is Luo Hang Kuay Sugar? Who can it be useful for? And what precautions should be taken?

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02 April 2024 11:58:44

Asst. Prof. Dr. Chatrapa Hattakoson (2024, January), What is Luo Hang Kuay Sugar? Who can it be useful           for? And what precautions should be taken? : Gourmet & Cuisine : 74-75

            Luo Han Kuo is a herbaceous herbaceous plant in the family. Cucurbitaceae Fresh and dried fruits They have the same characteristics, round and oval, smooth surface, but have different colors. Fresh fruit will be light green. The dried fruit is dark brown. Gives a sweet taste Therefore, it is used as a natural sweetener in cooking and is used as a common home medicine to treat sore throats, coughs, colds, constipation and thirst.

            There are many important substances in Luo Han Kuo, such as essential oils, proteins, vitamins, and flavones. In addition, it is also rich in mogrosides. The sweet taste of Luo Han Guo fruit comes mainly from important substances in the mogroside group 4, 5 and 6, which are natural sweeteners. The extract from the ripe fruit of Luo Han Guo is sweeter than granulated sugar. (sucrose) 300 times, therefore, it may be used to replace the use of sugar in diabetic patients and those who are obese.

            There are several properties of Luo Han Kuo related to disease prevention. Luo Han Kuo is most commonly used among diabetic patients. Because of mogroside 5 and other compounds Containing in Luo Han Guo fruit extract, it can inhibit the increase in blood glucose levels by default. (Maltose can induce an increase in blood glucose levels.)

            One study in China also found that Luo Han Guo extract is a natural sweetener with a low glycemic index. Causes little change in blood sugar levels Has high antioxidant properties Inhibits stress, which is one of the important causes of diabetes. Prevent obesity It was found that mogrosite can inhibit the activity of the lipase enzyme. Therefore, it may help delay the absorption of fat into the body.

            Nowadays, it is interesting to use Han Kuo as a sweet substitute. This is because it does not affect the increase in energy content in food. It also helps prevent an increase in blood sugar levels. There were also no side effects or adverse reactions found. that occurs from long-term consumption of Luo Han Kuo By extracts from Luo Han Guo and other compounds. Luo Han Guo is a non-toxic compound.

            However, people with chronic diseases should consult a doctor or prescriber. Food before consuming Luo Han Kuo Luo Hang Kuo Extract or products containing such ingredients To achieve maximum benefit and safety in consumption