19th August 2022. The
Office of Academic Resources and
Information Technology headed by
Assistant Professor Dr. Kanyapat
Thanakulwuthirot, Deputy Director of
Quality Assurance and Revenue, and Ajarn
Dr. Pimploi Tirastitam, Deputy Director
of the Academic Resource Center held the
“Personality Development to
increase operational efficiency.”
Project. Professor Theplak Komonvanich,
Head of Aviation Business, College of
Service Industry Management, Suan
Sunandha Rajabhat University lecture on
“Personality Development for
Optimizing Performance and Good
Personality”, Ajarn Suwita
Pruek-arporn, Lecturer in the Department
of Human Capital and Organization
Management, Faculty of Management
Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat
University lecture on
“Communication Etiquette in
Service” and Ms. Surasawadee
Yamprakhon, Educator, Education Service
Division, Office of the President
“Makeup methods and techniques for
choosing cosmetics” to create a
good personal image at Conference 1
meeting room, Academic Resource